2017年4月25日 星期二

Only memory can back me up

Dear stranger
How do I find someone who's name I can't even remember?
We met at the anniversary party of good life coffee,( happy birthday GLC)she wore a slick black dress. We danced, talked and had occasionally awkward silence. On our way back to Rautatientori we walked pass a heart shape pond on the pavement. She told me a story from a Finnish short novel about the tragic love between a mentally disable aged man and a young girl. At the end, the man killed the girl without realizing it because of his mental illness. Somehow this small conversation stuck in my head for couple days now. If God or whoever/whatever up there allowed us to meet again, I want to hear more stories from her. All I got is my memory to back me up and we all know how fragile this is.

Maybe i will meet her again and more possibly i will never meet her again. What this incident struck me the most was that the more i think about it, the more blurry it became. At one point, i started to realize that if I only have memory to show this is true and not some cliche story. It felt just as unconvincing as a dream i had last night.

It also made me reflect on Westworld that I just started to watch, in the show we can clearly see so many classic science fictions' influence, the matrix, ghost in the shell just to name a few. The hosts were so perfect that the only flaw they had was they were design in the image of human beings. We as human beings were imperfect, we will die, forget, making mistakes. It is a blessing and curse at the same time. If we have perfect memories like the hosts we would probably kill ourselves just for the weight of our memories and not to mention the fact that we will die at one point this reality makes us the way we are right now.  We die and we forget that's what make us human.

Boldly speaking, what if a sentient being will never die and has perfect memory, how does this "perfect" condition will affect its consciousness? Can we imagine this happen to us human? And how does this ultimate change affect our civilization? Maybe we will start to give more serious consideration about global warming which we still believe is something of the future and the current need not to worry about. Maybe this is why i have a hard time believing the so called AI domination scenario because it is still perceiving AI in human logic.

2017年1月21日 星期六

Taiwanese Roastery's cupping event

Last time, I brought about 11 bags of coffee beans roasted by Nordic roastery  like Coffee Collective of Denmark, Kaffa Roastery of Finland, Good Life Coffee of Finland.

This time I will be cupping coffee beans roasted in Taiwan with my friends in Helsinki below is my list of coffee beans.

Brief introduction to the coffee scene in Taiwan. (Disclaimer: I am by no means authority in this so I am just sharing my understanding.)

1. The third wave or specialty coffee scene started roughly around 2002 when Taiwan entered WTO(World Trade Organization) which came with good things and bad things and one of the good things were the lowered tax on imported professional espresso machine and roasters, thus, gave birth to third wave coffee trend in big cities of Taiwan, for example, in Taipei with population around 4 millions, there are at least 20 to 30 self roasting coffee shops. (It also gave me some troubles to decide which beans to bring since I have to rely on my experience and preference to decide. )

2. One big characteristics of Taiwan coffee scene is that it is very diverse and individual. There are big chains selling commercial volume coffee and smaller volume specialty coffee at the same time, however, majority of the third wave coffee market still dominated by independent roastery which means the owners of the coffee shop might consist only two to three people, roaster, barista and sometimes they are the same person. 

3. I do believe that the culinary taste or culture would also reflect on the roasting preference. For example, the culinary culture is quite similar to Chinese cooking and South East Asian style (We have substantial immigrants from Vietnam and Thailand.) In terms of coffee, the roaster tend to develop a bit further to give a thicker or heavier taste in coffee. When in comparison to Nordic approach it might be a good point to keep in mind. 

Further reading: 

A. The Taiwanese Coffee Scene (It has good categorization of development of coffee in Taiwan though I disagree a bit on espresso part.)

1. Wolong Coffee Studio Panama Esmeralda Special 2016 ES-W-6 Roasted
Washed 100 g  (From Kaohsiung city) Roasted January 6th
The roaster just won a roasting competition in Taiwan who is a young and talented woman.



 2. Ethiopia Guji #36 Gidde station Natural Roasted 2017/Jan/5  226 g Cafe Lulu from Taichung city

One of the biggest coffee roastery in Taiwan with experience in roasting and green beans business for many years.


3. Geisha Village #4 Natural Ethiopia Bench-Maji Roasted Jan 4 2017 100g By Group 19 Taipei city
4. Miguel Moreno Washed Santa Barbara Honduras Catuai Roasted Jan 8th 200g By Group 19 Taipei city
Group 19 is an independent roaster with previous experience in Sweden and now back in Taiwan aiming to bring Nordic style into Taiwanese market.


5.Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Biloya Washed G1 Jan 01 by ho soo tsai cafe at Kaohsiung city

6. Kenya AA Nyeri Washed roasted Jan 2 by ho soo tsai cafe at Kaohsiung city

A small coffee place in southern most city in Taiwan, barista and roaster is a good friend of mine and very talented and eager to share his passion for coffee with people around him.


7. Panama Elida Washewd 2017 Jan 9 by Dao Nan Guan 120g  Tainan city


some pictures from other blogger.

Small place in the oldest city of Tainan, the owner was Aeropress champion of Taiwan few years ago and in this shop there is no espresso machine. There is only specialty coffee made with Aeropress or siphon. This is where i sucked into the wonderful labyrinth of third wave coffee and it also has great audio system! 

8. Ethiopia Sidamo Bonbe Natural roasted Jan 3rd Pharos Coffee Taipei

Pharos Coffee 引路咖啡

Beautiful interior design and they roast their own coffee beans as well. 

9. Burundi Long Miles Roasted 13 Jan Coffee sweet Taipei


Weirdly enough it does not has its own website but has substantial customers and fame that keeps it running. It is a small coffee place and they roast their own coffee, if you enter this place the first line on the menu would say we only serve light roasted coffee if you cant take it please go some where else.

10.Ethiopia Bebeka Estate Roasted Jan 11  Coffee Whispering at Tainan city

All eleven coffee beans and i am going to have the first cupping at Andante coffee shop at Helsinki. Let's see what will comes out of it.

2016年12月23日 星期五







咖啡粉為主,這裡主要大廠為Paulig,專營超市開架式咖啡粉,另外Robert's Coffee則是赫爾

辛基及北歐其他大城常見的咖啡連鎖店,跟星巴克的差距類似台北的Cama Coffee吧,大





0. Johan and Nystrom Colombia San Fermin 250g 
Roasted Dec 01 2016


1.Good Life Coffee Guji Sidamo Ethiopia Washed Roasted Dec. 16 2016 250g




2. Kaffa Roastery 250g Burundi Mudusi Roasted Dec 20 2016 Washed



3.Caffi Panama Esmeralda Gehisha Roasted Dec 11 60g 2016
Ethiopia Natural Kayon Mountain 100g Dec 5 2016



4. Turun Kahvi Paahtimo El Salvador Usulatan  Los Pirineos 250g Roasted Nov 30 2016 



5.Helsingin Kahvipaahtimo 250g Christmas Coffee Rwanda Shade 1 and Costa Rica Terrazu blend Roasted Dec 21 2016



6.Coffee collective Kenya Kieni250g Roasted Nov 28 2016 Denmark

丹麥coffee collective工作的芬蘭代表Mikaela Wallgren,在愛爾蘭舉辦的沖煮大賽使用這支豆子拿下第二名,正巧Good life coffee有在賣順手帶回來台灣給大家試試看。

7. Koppi from Sweden Costa Rica Santa Rosa 1900 Roasted Nov 29 2016 38 g 



8.La Cabra (西班牙文山羊) Costa Rica Santa Teresa  Natural and Honey 180g 2 bags Roasted Dec 12 2016




2016年9月12日 星期一

Coffee trip in Germany.

九月一開始去德國待了大概九天,造訪了法蘭克福、紐倫堡、柏林這三個城市,除了有其他的行程之外,咖啡也是必不可少的,三個城市總共去了六間,每一間都點一杯濃縮咖啡(single espresso),對我來說這是最方便比較各家店品質的判准,同時也能夠最快了解這家店用的豆子水準到哪個程度。

1.Kaffeewerk Espressionist
Europa Allee 29, 60327 Frankfurt, Germany

Single Espresso 2.1

V60 3.3
Single origin
Smell:washed, raw, dark, not much character.
Taste: strong, thick, dark chocolate with a hint of acidity, long after taste. Border-lining charcoal.

2.The Holy Cross Brewing Society
Fahrgasse 7, 60311 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
House Blend Single Espresso 2.3

V60 from Norway 4.2


Single espresso
1. Smell: washed, vegetable
2.taste: solid but not oily taste. Start with a hint of acidity then strong dark chocolate like taste and nut like finish.Lingering finish with nutty taste not charcoal which is a good thing in my opinion. 

3. Machhorndl Kaffee
Obere Kieselbergstraße 13, 90429 Nürnberg, Germany

Single Origin Espresso

Cascara plus Aricha coffee beans 11.3

Single Espresso 1.8

Computer monitored Probat. 
1.Smell: Fermented, Floral. 
2.Taste: thick, palate embraced by coffee thoroughly, balanced between acidity and sweetness. 

4.Westberlin bar&shop

Friedrichstrasse 215, 10969 Berlin
Front door

Front door


back door

design books guess what they have monocle as well.

single espresso 2.2

Nordic Design Chair I guess
 一間也是人潮不絕的柏林咖啡店,位在查理檢查站附近,濃縮咖啡的豆子使用瑞典drop coffee,
Single origin drop coffee el salvador
1.smell: fermentation, sesame, soy sauce.
2.taste: acidity that rose up to back the of your cheeks turns into orange or green apple after you swallow it. Aftertaste is quite close to dark chocolate.
5.Bonanza Coffee Heroes
 Oderberger Str. 35, 10435 Berlin, Germany

Front door

How does one tell good coffee from bad by looking at stickers?

Part of the charm of Berlin is disorganize.

water filtering.

Single Espresso from left one.


Single Espresso 2.3

Bench outside of front door.


Smell: floral, distinctive like spice.
Taste: sweet, acid in the first taste. Reminds me of plum.
Thin body not much aftertaste. I would say it's too thin and dull in aftertaste not balanced.
喝到一半有位大叔跑進來說他的拿鐵太酸太難喝,我猜大概是主流口味習慣了吧,但不得不說濃縮加冰塊的測試倒是 算高分通過,沒喝到什麼雜味,另外音樂倒是挺主流的選擇了Miles Davis. 是也沒什麼不好只是一直聽到很熟的音樂但想不起來是什麼覺得很討厭。



Schönhauser Allee 8, 10119 Berlin, Germany
最後一家,沒來過前聽了不少正面評價,想當然也必定會出現在European Coffee Trip的名單上,但說實在我不得不說我蠻失望的,人潮是很多沒錯,店內裝潢也還可以,大概就是精品咖啡店會走的幾種典型裝潢,器材也是用了業界頂級,但喝起來真的就是沒那麼特別。以下圖多。


Yes, i think its part of interior design.


They actually use Kalita wave dripper not Chemax.

Single espresso 2.6 

5 € Kalita

Single espresso at barn roaster
1. Smell: strong spice, fermented.
2.taste: sharp acidity, mild sweet, feels like under roast, like eating raw vegetable. Unpleasant aftertaste that is grape seeds and earthy. Not recommend. Hand brew easily out performed espresso.
1. Smell: orange, floral
2. Taste: nice body, balanced taste, mild acidity nice and pleasant chocolate like aftertaste. Lingering. Citrus, apple.

以我這幾間喝下來的心得,其實台灣幾個大城市裡面的咖啡店,都沒有輸人家太多,甚至有時候在實驗性上還更有巧思,當然這只是我有限資料中的判斷,或許我再次造訪柏林便會有完全不同的體會。另一方面,單品咖啡發展至今似乎有逐漸學習紅酒或白蘭地等精緻農產品分級制,以消費者來說單品咖啡豆背後的資訊是消費的一環,同時也是訂價的因素之一,如同紅酒一般,以我自己來說我會好奇的是,咖啡分級這件事情,如何影響交易?又如何影響生產者? 單品咖啡除了追求精緻及口感豐富的咖啡豆之外,同時常見的宣傳是藉由高品質高回報的正面循環,咖啡農不再只是咖啡交易的受害者,但我好奇的是咖啡如同其他的精緻化農產品,必須要投入技術、金錢、人力、設備、處理法等等充分條件,才有可能採收一磅100美元的精緻咖啡,但誰能夠負擔這種投資呢?或是咖啡如同紅酒也逐漸晉升為一種表現文化資本的物質基礎?